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There is a number of people who I want to give credit for their support. Be it support by the means of mental encouragement, triggering ideas or be it input on the actual work.

Ting MaTing Ma: Student from China who is living in germany since 2009. She likes to read chinese poetry from historic dynasty-times. She likes to listen to piano music and traditional chinese instruments. She read the Poem "About Lotos Flowers" in chinese language. You can listen on the Poetry-Page to this unusual kind of poetry.





Yvette CoetzeeYvette Coetzee: she is living in Berlin (Germany) and working as an actress, writer, director and poetess. She comes from Pretoria (South Africa) and spend quite a part of her childhood on her grandparents farm in Namibia.

She is writing a lot about the impressions from that time, and so she wrote the poem "Die Plaas" (The Farm) in africaans. She was trustfully enough to hand that poem to me to interprete it in a musical way, and she also lend her voice to bring this cooperative musical track alive. Thanks so much, Yvette. Click -> this to see one of her agent´s profile or see her website at www.yvettecoetzee.de.



Olga ManjiOlga Manji: german poetess and author of a wide range of poetry as well as author of novels and short stories. Thanks to her for letting me set her great great poem "Pan im Park" to music. Thanks Olga, for writing this wonderful piece of art.





Gerhard PiskeGerhard Piske: well known german actor and director. - He is acting on various theaters as well as in TV-movies. In 2009 he performed the poem "Pan im Park" at the Schloss Schwetzingen for the first time.





Ala CaesarAla Caesar: highly gifted young graphic artist who created the general appearance and design of my website. He is of incredible talent and exciting intuition. I can not think of a better way to present "space music" on the internet. - And by the way: he is the artist who created the cover-artwork for my albums Aphelion and Nebula. Ala is living in Turkey. You want to see more? This way: www.alacaesar.com





Sananda MaitreyaSananda Maitreya : Singer, Composer, Producer and Popstar. In October 2001 he legally changed his name to Sananda Maitreya and founded his own label, called Treehouse Publishing. Early in the year 2008 I sampled some material from his debut album "Introducing the Hardline according to Terence Trent d´Arby" and created something new out of it, this will hopefully be a part of my next project, the publishing of the Ultraviolet album. (Date of publication is still to be decided). - Thanks to Sananda & his staff, especially to Maceo for his very kind support! See his official website: www.sanandamaitreya.com



No PicWolfgang Tupeit. Dear friend and consultant: As a producer and owner of a high-end-studio (Muscial Works, Neu-Ulm, Germany) and as an evident expert in theatre- and eventtechnologies I very often search for his profound advise. I may claim, that he is my technical brain. Detailled sophisticate in studiotechnologies. Lord of the things. Master of Lexicon. Laird of ProTools. Unfortunately I can not follow his recommendations in every case. Candid critic of my oevre.




Vladimir GerasimovVladimir Gerasimov. Graphic artist from Irkutsk, Russia. He is well known for his extraordinary wallpapers and computer art. He granted his permission to use his artwork as CD-Cover as well. More Details at www.vladstudio.com





Inga NielsenInga Nielsen, a german student of astro- and geophysics. Besides that she creates phantastic pictures with several digital tools. The Emphasis of her creative work is on spacerelated and surreal motivs. She very kindly gave her permisson to use her pictures as CD-Covers. Interested? www.gatetonowhere.de




Matthias BlumMatthias Blum, coverdesign of the Ultraviolet-album, which is to be released in spring 2009. See www.matthias-blum.de; you should look for his pictures in the category "alien artifacts". - Great stuff.





No PicMum & Dad. Just for everything. Thanks.






Klaus ImhofKlaus Imhof, Webdesigner and operator of this website. Trainer in media-related topics. He made the implementation and realization of this website. He is responsible for the hosting and technical supervising. And he is doing all that at a very fair price. If you have anything to run in the internet, here is my recommendation: www.mannheims-webdesign.de and www.mannheims-web.de





Christian DoerrChristian Doerr, master in building handcrafted instruments: Guitars, Lutes, Violins. Thanks to him for his support in restoring the old 1972 Framus Atlantic 6 semi-acoustic guitar. If you ever need a guitar restored or if you think about having a custom-built instrument ... here is my recommendation:www.gitarren-service.de





No PicSylvia & Klaus Sommerfeld. Heart and soul af a very liveley community in germany, dedicated to electronic music. They are very very busy in organizing concerts, all kinds of events, publishing printed matter on synth-music and besides that, sylvia is producing a radioshow; of course a radioshow for electronic music only. They encouraged me from the very beginning to continue ... and their lavish praise for my work was my spur more than one time. Thanks to them personally, and thanks to the whole Schallwende - Community.




Rajeev BhattRajeev Bhatt from Jabalpur, living in Mannheim now. As a specialist in Energy Informatics, he convinced me, that it´s high time to create a website for my music. So somehow he pulled the trigger on the starting-gun. Some day I will have to ask him to translate my website into Hindi / Urdu / ... :-)





Mieze KatzeMieze Katze, our beloved siamese cat. The one and only cat in the world who was giftet in music. Some day, very late at nighttime, approximate in 1998 … she decided to walk the keyboard of my synthesizer during a recording session. She triggert an arpeggio which still can be heard on the track The Firth At Dawn on the Orbiter-Album. A splendid cat´s concert! The Arpeggio starts at playtime 4min:26sec.





Claudia MesquitaClaudia Mesquita in Porto for revitalizing my unicorn-logo. She is a very experienced Graphic designer, working for a long time in a major Portuguese Graphic Company (Ambar, SA) as a maquette and final arts maker. 
Besides many other activities she also made a workshop called "Drawing in action", by the Arts School of Vila nova de Cerveira with Professor José Rodrigues and Sá Nogueira.

 See more at ArtesPraticas




Dirk MattenDirk Matten, founder, owner and operator of the famous Synthesizerstudio Bonn. The very first (and for a long time the one and only) specialist shop that was bestowed to electronic music only. Dear Dirk, many thanks for your pioneering! See www.elektropolis.de





Michael MathaessMichael Mathaess, thanks for talking with twentyeight fingers. His voice made this flabbergasting, mindboggling story come alive. You can listen on the Ultraviolet album. Soon. May be. One day.





TreacyRay and Alan Treacy, very very heartly thanks to these two Dubliners. They gave a voice to the poems of Robert Graves.






Teaadora NikolovaTeaadora Nikolova, thanks for reading the poem Spring And All by W.C.Williams at the track Aphelion 7. - Theaadora is a national tour musician in the United States who specializes in movie scoring and musical performance. She does not have the comforts or bearing of a constant home. She has been traveling for a years now . - She is Taurus / Gemini cusp, born the same days as Socrates and Honore de Balzac. See her profile at mySpace.com. The poem Spring And All by W.C.Williams is used with permission of New Directions Publishing (New York).




Nikolaus RiehmNikolaus Riehm, Bad Homburg. Expert in repairing old (or new) analog gear. His expertise saved the life of my old Jupiter 6, polyphonic analog-synthesizer from 1982. During the years some analogue parts broke and in the end this little precious was of no more use. After a hard days work from niko and after having put some new organs into it, now the Jupiter is orbiting the sun again. So if you ever have a synth or other studio gear in need for surgery ... this is the surgeon to trust. See his website at www.studiorepair.de.